XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Vulnerability Overview

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Vulnerability Overview

Cross-Site Scripting or XSS is one of the most popular vulnerabilities on the web. Essentially, it is when an attacker injects malicious code into a website, and this code is executed in the browser of an unsuspecting user. This allows the hacker to perform certain actions on behalf of the user, steal data, and even completely control the account. Today we will figure out how such an attack is implemented and how to protect yourself.

All about XSS attacks

There are three main types of XSS attacks, and each of them is dangerous in its own way:

  • Reflected XSS. This type of attack is the easiest to implement. A hacker inserts malicious code into a link, and if the site does not check it for security, the script is executed directly in the browser. The hacker can steal your data or force you to perform actions on their behalf.
  • Stored XSS. This is when malicious code is stored on the server, for example, in the site's database, and is launched when someone opens the infected page. This type is more dangerous than the previous one, since the hacker saves his code on the site - for example, in comments, which are then seen by all users. And everyone who opens this page automatically runs malicious code in their browser. This way, you can infect a huge number of people.
  • DOM-based XSS. This villain lives on the client side, right in your browser. It works through JavaScript and other elements of the DOM structure of the page. The thing is that the site itself can process data incorrectly right in the JavaScript code that runs in the browser. For example, if the site displays data from the URL without checking, the hacker can replace the URL and force your browser to execute malicious code. As a result, your browser becomes a hacker's weapon.

What can hackers do with XSS? XSS gives hackers wide opportunities:

  • Identity substitution - a hacker can pretend to be you and perform any actions on the site.
  • Data theft - personal messages, payment details, passwords - all this can fall into the hands of an attacker.
  • Account takeover - a hacker can completely take control of your account.
  • Trojan injection - via XSS, you can embed malicious code on a website that will work for all visitors.

Methods for preventing XSS attacks

Preventing XSS attacks requires a systematic approach to processing user data and correctly configuring web applications. Let's look at the main protection methods that will help reduce the risks of introducing cross-site scripting:

  • Filtering data at the input. Filtering user data at the stage of receiving it is the first line of defense. The application should accept only data that strictly matches the expected format. If you expect numbers to be entered, do not allow the use of letters, special characters, or HTML tags. It is also better to use a white list of acceptable values instead of a black list of prohibited ones. Whitelists are more secure because new malicious constructs may not be accounted for in blacklists.
  • Data encoding at the output. Encoding at the output stage is critical to ensure that user input is not interpreted as active code in the browser. This prevents malicious script from being executed. Depending on the context, different encoding methods should be used. HTML encoding is used when outputting data in an HTML context. It converts dangerous characters into HTML entities (for example, < becomes <, > — >). JavaScript encoding converts dangerous characters that can be interpreted as code in a JavaScript context. URL encoding transforms dangerous characters in the URL context to prevent them from being used to manipulate requests. CSS encoding transforms input data that can be embedded in CSS, preventing styling attacks through code.
  • Using safe HTTP headers. Correct HTTP headers help reduce the risk of XSS attacks by explicitly telling the browser how to interpret the server's response. Content-Type tells the browser the type of data. For example, for a response that should not contain HTML or JavaScript, the Content-Type: text/plain header should be used. The X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header prevents the browser from guessing the type of data, which helps avoid code execution even if the Content-Type header was incorrect. X-Frame-Options is a header that prevents the web page from being used in an iframe, which protects against clickjacking attacks. Referrer-Policy controls how the Referrer header is transmitted when navigating to other pages, limiting information leakage.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP). This is a browser mechanism that helps restrict the execution of JavaScript, CSS, and other resources. CSP prevents XSS attacks by limiting the sources from which executable code can be loaded. The basic rules of CSP are: loading scripts only from trusted domains, CSP can also block execution of inline scripts, which prevents most XSS attacks. Using unique tokens (nonce) for each script, which are defined on the server and passed to the client. This allows only those scripts to be executed that are explicitly allowed by the server.
  • Server-side data validation. Although client-side data validation can help prevent some attacks, it cannot be relied upon alone. Attackers can bypass protection on the client by modifying JavaScript code or sending requests directly to the server. Therefore, it is important to always validate and filter data on the server side.
  • Minimizing the use of user data in dynamic contexts. If possible, avoid using user data in places where it can affect the structure of HTML, JavaScript, or other executable components. If necessary, ensure that such data is properly handled and encrypted.

Cross-site scripting remains one of the most common and dangerous vulnerabilities in web security. It can have serious consequences, especially in applications with sensitive information or when attacking users with high privileges.

Private VPN Server: Eliminate Cyber Risks

A private VPN server reduces the risk of XSS attacks by providing an additional layer of protection for data passing through the network. It helps protect the user's session from interception, making it more difficult for attackers to perform XSS attacks on unsecured networks.

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